Hi Navin,

these characters are not searchable by the full-text-index.
@$# and other special-characters are treated as word-breakers[1] and can’t be 
searched for.

If you ran for example the following query:
> ft:tokenize("f...@bar.de#test$baz“)
You will see which tokens will be added to the full-text-index.
The full-text-index is usually used to search in natural language texts, so 
punctuation und special characters are generally ignored.

Maybe a naïve approach already helps: 
> db:open(‚database')//text()[contains(., "@")]/..

Best from Konstanz,


[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-full-text-10/ 

Michael Seiferle, BaseX GmbH, http://www.basexgmbh.de
|-- Firmensitz: Obere Laube 73, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
|   Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Tel: +49 7531 916 82 77

> Am 24.01.2018 um 10:42 schrieb Navin Rawat <nrawat2...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Team,
> Could I search @, $, # by full text API of bases?
> I am using following query but unable to get any success:
> let $query := '@'
> let $options := map {
>                     "mode": "any",
>                     "fuzzy": "off",
>                     "wildcards": true(),
>                     "ordered": "false"
>                 }
> return ft:search("database", $query, $options)
> Please suggest.
> Regards,
> Navin

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