I would like to add a JSON file to a collection that is otherwise composed
of XML files.  I'm hitting two issues:

1. Is there any way to import both JSON and XML files at the same time when
creating a database?
2. I would like to import the JSON as an XQuery/XPath map, without mapping
it to XML.  Any way to do that?



P.S.  the input JSON looks like this:


  "ααρων": {

    "gk": 2,

    "strongs": [



    "lemma": "Ἀαρών",

    "transliteration": "Aarōn",

    "frequencyCount": 5,

    "definition": "Aaron, pr. name, indecl., the brother of Moses (Exod.
4:14), Lk. 1:15; Acts 7:40; Heb. 5:4; 7:11; 9:4*"


When I import it, I get this:

<json type="object">

  <ααρων type="object">

    <gk type="number">2</gk>

    <strongs type="array">

      <_ type="number">2</_>




    <frequencyCount type="number">5</frequencyCount>

    <definition>Aaron, pr. name, indecl., the brother of Moses (Exod.
4:14), Lk. 1:15; Acts 7:40; Heb. 5:4; 7:11; 9:4*</definition>


  <αβαδδων type="object">

    <gk type="number">3</gk>


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