
I select basex-examples [basex master], right-click and 'Run As´ java
application. Eclipse starts building a type hiërarchie and returns with
this dialog:

After selecting QueryExample, I get this missege in the console:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.basex.examples.api.QueryExample

I checked but QueryExample.class does not exist


Op 13-04-18 om 10:02 schreef Alexander Holupirek:
> Hi Ben,
> in principle there's 'nothing special' to watch out for. 
> - $ git clone g...@github.com:BaseXdb/basex.git
> - Eclipse: File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git
> The project should compile properly and one should be able to run the 
> examples.
> What problems do you encounter?
> Cheers,
>       Alex

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