Dear France,

A first update:

I noticed that the oXygen file access while updating the database
causes various exceptions (which are written to the BaseX logs). As a
result, I also get duplicate files in the database. I will try to find
out if this is something we can resolve, or if it goes back to the
Milton WebDAV library we use.

A minor info: You can speed up the duplicates lookup by using group by:

  let $duplicates := (
    for $file-group in db:list('mydb')
    group by $path := string($file-group)
    let $count := count($file-group)
    where $count > 1
    return <li>There are { $count } instances of { $path }.</li>
    if ($duplicates)
    then <ul> { $duplicates }</ul>
    else <p>All is good. No duplicate found.</p>

Apart from that, I noticed that it takes a very long time to list the
50.000 files in oXygen. Yet another issues that may be due to the
restrictions of WebDAV; but I’ll see if something can be done in BaseX
to get this accelerated.


On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 3:36 PM, France Baril
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering if this slipped through the cracks.
> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 1:11 PM, France Baril <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We've been having this issue for a while and we think resolving it may be
>> the key to resolving an intermittent server 500 error that we've been
>> having.
>> When a user tries to save a file while a batch process is running, BaseX
>> saves duplicates of the file.
>> How to reproduce:
>> 1) Take a fresh BaseX 9.0.1 installation
>> 2) Copy the attached .xqm in webapp
>> 3) Create an empty DB called mydb
>> 4) Access localhost:port-num/test/create-update-a-lot-of-files to populate
>> your db.
>> 5) In OxygenXML, set a webdav connection to the db and open a file, add a
>> character in one of the elements, but don't save the file.
>> 6) From the browser, access 'localhost:port-num/test/update-something'
>> 7) While the process in the browser is still running, save the file in
>> Oxygen. You'll get a message saying that read timed out. Click ok and do not
>> try saving the file again.
>> 8) When the update-something process is done running, don't resave the
>> file in Oxygen, instead go to localhost:port-num/test/oups-duplicates.
>>    You'll get a message saying that some files are duplicated. If you
>> don't try again from step #4 a few times. You'll only get duplicates if you
>> get the time out message before the update-something process is still
>> running. If you try to save the file many times, you'll get more duplicates,
>> 4 or 6.
>> We're not sure if it's a BaseX bug or if we are setting our user
>> management and/or locking rules incorrectly.
>> Do you have any suggestions?
>> --
>> France Baril
>> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect
> --
> France Baril
> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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