I’m afraid we cannot help you without seeing the actual Schematron file that you are trying to compile/apply.

On 22.07.2018 19:59, DK Singh wrote:
Thank U Andy for your response, I have tried but it is giving schematron compilation error, but when I validate on Oxygen editor xmls got validated, as github documentation I am doing first schematron compilation then validating the XML, SO how can I resolve this error Now

On Sun 22 Jul, 2018, 9:39 PM James Ball, <m...@jamesball.co.uk <mailto:m...@jamesball.co.uk>> wrote:

    Hello Dharmendra,

    Have you made sure that the Schematron is compiled before using it
    to validate? I think this is the error you get if you try to use an
    un-compiled Schematron file to perform a validation.

    The necessary steps are outlined with the module documentation on
    GitHub and I had it working successfully just a week ago.

    Regards, James

     > Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 17:07:30 +0530
     > From: DK Singh <dharam.m...@gmail.com <mailto:dharam.m...@gmail.com>>
     > To: BaseX <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de
     > Subject: [basex-talk] Schematron package error
     > Message-ID:
>  <CAK4jKORwDbR7AROZHS=0kYtONAK6=MugXTO4+-+=twju9kw...@mail.gmail.com <mailto:twju9kw...@mail.gmail.com>>
     > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
     > Hi All,
     > I am doing the schematron validation against XML docuemnt but i
    am getting
     > these errors.
     > Bad name element: XPath error. No XPath. Bad name element: XPath
    error. No
     > XPath. Error on line 1409 column 61 of iso_dsdl_include.xsl: Too many
     > nested template or function calls. The stylesheet may be looping. at
     > xsl:call-template name="sch-check:strip-strings"
     > it looks like basex schematron pacakge throwing the error to run
     > validation.
     > can anyone suggest how can i resolve this errors.
     > Regards
     > Dharmendra Kumar Singh
     > -------------- next part --------------
     > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
     > URL:

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