Hi, BaseX-Team,

I tested the new websocket-feature.
The .zip- installation on Win10 (your embedded jetty) worked (your chat-app).
But I had problems with the .war -installation on tomcat. With the 
standard-installation, the paths in the chat.js had to be preceded with /BaseX 
- ok so far. I get the login-page and main-page visible - ok. But when the 
main-page is loading, the network call to http://localhost:8080/BaseX/ws/chat 
<http://localhost:8080/BaseX/ws/chat> fails with http-code 404.
I think, there is a problem with paths as well?

It would be great, if you could add documentation for Tomcat as well.

Thanks for this great tool!

Dieter Zanzinger

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