> Please check the log entries..there are only HEAD/PROFIND/GET requests
> on the WebDAV level against a single XML resource.

I just created a collection with 120,000 documents. The time for retrieving
a single resource was about 100 ms; but it took much longer indeed to
request entries of the root directory. I’ll see if I can so something about

In general, you’ll definitely get better performance when using one of our
other APIs.

eXist basically serves only one database per database server instance.
> But how is eXist relevant here?

It my be relevant because both eXist-db and BaseX are based on the same
Milton library (but maybe a different version?). I experienced bottlenecks
with this library in the past, so we once thought about writing our own
WebDAV library (because the protocol is using XML anyway. It’s interesting
to hear that you are getting better performance with eXist. One reason
might be that eXist keeps an index of all files of the chosen database in
main-memory while BaseX needs to scan the corresponding database every time
it is accessed.

If you are only working with a single database, you can try to open this
database at startup time:

    basexhhtp -c "open your-db"

However, I will check our WebDAV implementation and give you some more

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