Hi all,

As I read the serialization spec (
https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/#serparam), additional
values for the "method" parameter and additional serialization parameters
should use a non-null namespace URI (see quotes below).

I believe BaseX's "csv" method or "tabulator" parameter (
http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Serialization) would fall into this category.
Without such a non-null namespace URI, users may mistake BaseX-specific
serialization features for those supported in the spec.  The solution that
the spec seems to suggest would be to use "basex:csv" or
"basex:tabulator".  I bet such a change would be unwelcome to those with
code that uses the existing supported values, but aside from a disruptive
cycle of deprecating existing values, etc., an alternative would be for the
BaseX documentation to note this non-compliance with the spec.

I realize this is nit-picky, but I thought it might be worth raising given
the potential for confusion mentioned above, and should this discussion be
of interest to anyone.


Regarding values for the "method" parameter:

> The value of the method parameter is an expanded QName. If the value has
a null namespace URI, then the local name identifies a method specified in
this document and MUST be one of xml, html, xhtml, text, json , or
adaptive; in this case, the output method specified MUST be used for
serializing. If the namespace URI is non-null, then it identifies an
implementation-defined output method; the behavior in this case is not
specified by this document.

Regarding additional serialization parameters:

> Implementations MAY define additional serialization parameters, and MAY
allow users to do so. For this purpose, the name of a serialization
parameter is considered to be a QName; the parameters listed above are
QNames whose expanded-QName has a null namespace URI, while any additional
serialization parameters that are either implementation-defined or defined
by the host language MUST have names that are namespace-qualified.

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