You can also increase the JVM stack size for the BaseX GUI.
Example, if you are on Linux go to the BaseX bin directory, edit the basexgui file, and change these lines

# Options for virtual machine (can be extended by global options)
BASEX_JVM="-Xmx6g -Xss4m $BASEX_JVM"

There isn't really a specific number you need to use. The default is 1MB on a 64bit PC.
More information about Xss JVM flag on [1]


On 2/18/19 5:24 PM, Giuseppe G. A. Celano wrote:

I am writing a recursive function which is similar to the one here:

Interestingly, local:sum() works if there are not many <book/>. However with 38000 book 
element I get the error "Stack Overflow: Try tail recursion".

Any idea?


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