Am 26.02.2019 um 07:54 schrieb Mark Bordelon:
Guten Tag,
Love my basex, have been using it for years. I particularly love being able to have access to all the powerful 2.0 syntax. But I have a question about some behavior I am seeing in the *following-sibling* axis that does not seem logical to me.

Here is the data stored in basex:
> xquery /text[@id='test']
<text id="test">

How did you store/parse it, in particular did you use any options to strip white space?

Here is the query on that data:
> *xquery /text[@id='test']//word/concat(text(), ' ', normalize-space(./following-sibling::text()[1]))*
A a
B *c*
C c

The same query run in in the same xml gives me the predictable result that I need:
String='A a’
String='B ‘
String='C c'

Is there any way to alter my query to get the above result in basex? I imagine that this an xpath1.0 vs xpath2.0 issue.

That path with a function call in the (last) step isn't allowed in XPath 1.0 at all.

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