Hi Daniel,
I'm pretty sure that PATCH is supported in recent versions of BaseX. Even if I don't remember exactly when it started since it's not traced in the Changelog of the documentation page for RestXQ.

From the docs at [1]:

The HTTP method annotations are equivalent to allHTTP request methods <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP#Request_methods>except TRACE and CONNECT. Zero or more methods may be used on a function; if none is specified, the function will be invoked for each method.

[1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/RESTXQ


On 16/07/19 19:22, Schopper, Daniel wrote:
Dear list,
I just came across the fact that BaseX does not recognize PATCH as a known HTTP verb (at least in my admittedly not bleading-edge version). Is this a feature or a bug? And, in order to work around that: is there a way of passing payload to a custom %rest:method (without having an additional PUT or POST annotation on the same XQuery function)?
Thanks in advance!

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