Continuing with my test.xqm experiments… 

I have copied Saxon jar into WEB-INF/lib/  so xslt:transform is using Saxon. 

I have the following functions declared:

    function test:doc() {
      inspect:xqdoc( $test:module_name )

   %output:method('html’)                       (: I’ve tried various values 
for method and html-version here ! :) 
   function test:htmldoc() {
     (:  WTF? :)
     xslt:transform( test:doc(),'static/xsl/html-module.xsl', map { 'source' : 
'test.xqm' })

Where html-module.xsl initially was: 

Accessing /basex/test/xdoc  returns error message: 

Stopped at /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/basex/test.xqm, 41/20:
[FODC0002] "" (Line 69): The entity "nbsp" was referenced, but not declared.

Which was initially very puzzling, as I could not find nbsp in either my 
test.xqm, html-module.xsl, or inspect:xsdoc() output. 
Turns out, even though it was encoded as  "&#160;” in html-module.xsl, Saxon 
was encoding it as “&nbsp;” on output of the transform. 

Initially, I wasn’t sure if Saxon or BaseX was doing the serialization. I guess 
it seems to be  both. 

Original output method for that stylesheet is:
<xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>

And changing output:method  on the function to xhtml or html doesn’t have any 
effect on results.
Changing output method on the stylesheet to xhtml causes Saxon to serialized it 
as “&#160;”  instead of “&nbsp;” , and the serialization method on the basex 
RESTXQ function doesn’t seem to give an errors with any output methods.

I take from these results that the output from Saxon xslt:transform is 
serialized according to the stylesheet, and then parsed again by BaseX as xml 
on the way to being serialized again on output from the function, and the error 
is coming from that implicit parse. 

I don’t suppose there is a way to short circuit the parsing of the 
xslt:transform function output and just output the results directly (?)
I tried xslt:transform-text() but it escapes all of the element tags. 
Or a way to get it to parse the results of that transform function as html ? 

Clearly changing the stylesheet is the easy solution for this test file, but 
for some of my other real cases, I may be trying to repurpose stylesheets that 
will be used in different contexts: within BaseX and outside of that context, 
so keeping different versions of the stylesheets is going to be annoying. 
I suppose I could read in the stylesheets and modify the xml:output line in 
XQuery or XSLT before using it within BaseX.  

— Steve M. 

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