If I use BaseX (9.2.4) simply as an XQuery 3.1 processor from the
command line with e.g.

basex.bat -i input.xml query.xq

does BaseX then first always parse the input.xml into an XDM tree,
meaning if I use huge input documents that way I can run easily run out
of memory?

Or does that depend on the type of query or some other settings?

I was wondering whether a "tumbling window" based split algorithm like

declare namespace output =

declare option output:method 'xml';
declare option output:indent 'yes';

declare variable $chunk-size as xs:integer external := 500;

for tumbling window $chunk in /*/*
start at $sp when $sp mod $chunk-size = 1
count $p
    put(document {
        element { node-name(head($chunk)/..) } {
    }, 'xquery-split-result-' || $p || '.xml')

would run/work without memory problems for huge inputs.

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