Hello everyone,

I am using BaseX 8.44 and the REST XQ interface (ie,
http://docs.basex.org/wiki/RESTXQ). I have an endpoint that, when
invoked with GET, it does a full text search (using "$db-nodes[text()
contains text { $term } all]"), gets the results, constructs a JSON
response and sends it back.

That's all fine and works great. However, I am not sure how I should
be doing the queries I describe bellow.

_Note: the query is initiated by a SPA javascript client, thus when I
say encode/uri-escape, what I mean is that I invoke the
encodeURIComponent function
_Note 2: for the sake of conversation let's consider the example
endpoint declared as:


1. I want to search for "tea". That is the basic query. A single term,
no problem.

    curl -s "https://example.com/search/tea";

2. I want to search for "tea time". Now, this query has a space in
between the two words. What I expect to get back, is any node that
contains both words (thus I have used "contains text" with "all"),
even if they may be a few words apart.
- Should I be sending an encoded/uri-escape version of this, ie, "tea%20time"?
- Or, should I be replacing the space with "+", ie "tea+time"?
- Or, some other advice?

    curl -s "https://example.com/search/tea%20time";
    curl -s "https://example.com/search/tea+time";

3. I want to search for "tea/time". This is even trickier. What I
expect to get back, is any node that contains "tea/time", ie a search
result for a single term. How do I do this?
- If I do not do anything, the slash is treated as part of the URL,
thus not matching a route.
- If I encoded/uri-escape this term, I get "tea%2Ftime". But, when I
invoke the endpoint I get the same as if there was a slash.
- I am not sure how I should deal with the slash. How should I
escape/encode this?

    curl -s "https://example.com/search/tea/time";
    curl -s "https://example.com/search/tea%2Ftime";

Thank you,

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