> I can try. But what you tell me and what I saw with the unit test function I 
> guess the GUI does something that can't be observed when using scripts.

Maybe some options are still active in your GUI that are not reflected
in the script?
Does the script work if you run it on command line?

> Unfortunately I get new problems with 9.3.2 Beta:

…most probably related to recent typecheck optimizations that we
recently introduced [1]; sorry for that. If you need a very short-term
alternative, you can use string() instead of xs:string().

[1] https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/issues/1801

> declare function local:maptest() as map(xs:string, xs:string) {
>   let $xml := <_ test="test"/>
>   return map{xs:string($xml/@test): xs:string('test')}
> };
> local:maptest()
> stopped working.
> [XPTY0004] Cannot convert map(*) to map(xs:string, xs:string): map { "test": 
> "test" }.
> And I get more new type conversion related errors that were not reported 
> before. This is temporary I hope?
> Best regards
> Omar
> Am 06.02.2020 um 14:11 schrieb Christian Grün:
> Looks we are getting closer. I have attached a little command script;
> do you think you can adapt it such that it captures the potential bug?
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 1:51 PM Omar Siam <omar.s...@oeaw.ac.at> wrote:
> The following XQuery run in the GUI (pulled from github and built a few 
> minutes ago from source)
> ft:tokens('testdata'),
> ft:search('testdata', 'r.ḥ', map {'wildcards': true()})/.., '----------'
> ,collection('testdata')//*[text() contains text 'r.ḥ' using wildcards]
> yields
> <entry count="4">rwḥ</entry>
> ----------
> with collection('testdata')
> <_>
>   <gram xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; type="root" 
> xml:lang="ar-aeb-x-vicav">rwḥ</gram>
>   <gram xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; type="root" 
> xml:lang="ar-aeb-x-vicav">rwḥ</gram>
>   <gram xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; type="root" 
> xml:lang="ar-aeb-x-vicav">rwḥ</gram>
>   <gram xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; type="root" 
> xml:lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">rwḥ</gram>
> </_>
> But the gh1800() test changed like this:
> final String text = "999 aa 1111 rwḥ";
> [...]
> query("ft:search('" + NAME + "', 'r.ḥ', " + options + ")", text);
> works.
> Am 06.02.2020 um 13:45 schrieb Christian Grün:
> I just tried to use the gh1800 test to replicate my problem and it does
> not show there. It fails using the GUI.
> I need your help: What does not show there? What fails, what happens?
> Am 06.02.2020 um 13:35 schrieb Christian Grün:
> Hi Omar,
> Yes, that seems to solve the problem partly. Using wildcards now yields the 
> same result as no wildcards.
> Glad to hear.
> But if there is a complex unicode character in the search string, "." for one 
> character looses its meaning.
> …
> Would you like a PR for the test gh1800 using complex unicode characters?
> A little test case would be helpful indeed. It seems to be a different issue:
> • The first expression is evaluated without the full-text expression.
> The reason is that the full-text index algorithms are limited to basic
> regular expressions; not all of them can be answered by an index (and
> 'r{1,1}' is currently not detected as being identical to `r.`). If I
> remember correctly, the index will not be accessed either if a pattern
> starts with `.*` (this pattern would lead to a full index scan).
> • The second expression is rewritten for index access. I tried to
> build a little command script (test.bxs), but it doesn’t seem to
> reflect the case you encountered:
> set ftindex true
> create db test <xml>rwḥ</xml>
> xquery /*[text() contains text 'r.{1,1}ḥ' using wildcards]
> xquery /*[text() contains text 'r.ḥ' using wildcards]
> close
> Could  you extend this example script a little, such that it
> demonstrates what goes wrong?
> Thanks in advance,
> Christian

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