Hi Martin,

Thanks for the analysis. As you’ve already indicated, the combination
of documents with and without namespaces triggered an optimization
that should only take effect if all documents of a database have the
same default namespace

The bug has been fixed; a new snapshot is online [1,2].


[1] https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/issues/1831
[2] http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:26 AM Martin Honnen <martin.hon...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 29.03.2020 um 16:26 schrieb Martin Honnen:
> > Using BaseX 9.3.2, why does a query
> >
> >    collection('/test-db-1/bib')//Q{}libro
> >
> > return 6 items while
> >
> >    collection('/test-db-1/bib')//libro
> >
> > gives 0 items?
> >
> > If I run
> >
> > collection('/test-db-1/bib')//Q{}libro, collection('/test-db-1/bib')//libro
> >
> > the info window shows
> >
> >
> > Compiling:
> > - rewrite fn:collection([uri]) to document-node() item:
> > collection("/test-db-1/bib") -> db:open-pre("test-db-1", 12000002)
> > - merge steps: descendant::element(libro)
> > - rewrite fn:collection([uri]) to document-node() item:
> > collection("/test-db-1/bib") -> db:open-pre("test-db-1", 12000002)
> > - remove step without results: element(libro)
> > - rewrite iter step to empty sequence: element(libro) -> ()
> > - rewrite cached path to empty sequence: db:open-pre("test-db-1",
> > 12000002)/descendant-or-self::node()/() -> ()
> > - rewrite expression list to iter path: (db:open-pre("test-db-1",
> > 12000002)/descendant::element(libro), ()) -> db:open-pre("test-db-1",
> > 12000002)/descendant::element(libro)
> > Optimized Query:
> > db:open-pre("test-db-1", 12000002)/descendant::element(libro)
> > Query:
> > collection('/test-db-1/bib')//Q{}libro, collection('/test-db-1/bib')//libro
> > Result:
> > - Hit(s): 6 Items
> > - Updated: 0 Items
> > - Printed: 1455 b
> > - Read Locking: test-db-1
> > - Write Locking: (none)
> It seems the problems occurs if I have one document in the db that has
> elements in a namespace and one with elements in no namespace.
> So if there is only one document with no namespaces then both
> collection('/test-db-3/ex2')//foo and
> collection('/test-db-3/ex2')//Q{}foo select the `foo` elements in no
> namespace but if there is a document using a namespace as well in the db
> then collection('/test-db-3/ex2')//foo does not select the `foo`
> elements in no namespace.
> Are there any db/namespace related settings in BaseX that cause that
> behaviour?

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