
I am still trying to improve my R-package and at the moment I am working
(again) on the 'Binding' command.

I have added this XML to a database:
<book title="XQuery" author="Walmsley"/>
<book title="Advanced R" author="Wickham"/>

This query:
for $t in collection("TestDB/Books")/book
where $t/@author = "Walmsley"
return $t/@title/string()


My command:
  Bind(Query_3, "$name", list("Walmsley", "Wickham"))

sends the following byte-sequence to the server:
57 61 6c 6d 73 6c 65 79 01 57 69 63 6b 68 61 6d 00 00

And this sequence is accepted by the server.
In Query_3, I try to bind $name to the sequence:
declare variable $name external;
for $t in collection('TestDB/Books')/book
    where $t/@author = $name
    return $t/@title/string()

The query is executed but no results are given. (I had expected that it
would return the sequence {"XQuery", "Advanced R"}

How should I correct the query-statement?


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