I found a version that works.  In the original version I must not have
been using tail recursion correctly.  Here is the version that works.  Can
anyone explain why the first version doesn't properly trigger tail

xquery version "3.1";

declare function local:get-random-numbers($how-many as xs:integer,
$generator as map(*), $accumulator) {
    if ($how-many ge 1) then
        local:get-random-numbers($how-many - 1, $generator?next(),
($accumulator, $generator?number))

declare function local:get-random-numbers($how-many as xs:integer) {
    local:get-random-numbers($how-many, random-number-generator(), ())

let $n := 2000
    local:get-random-numbers($n) => count()

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 5:20 PM Joe Wicentowski <joe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I encountered a stack overflow error with the following code, which is
> designed to return as many random numbers as the user requests.  BaseX's
> error suggested, "Try tail recursion?"  I think I am already using tail
> recursion.  Changing the $n variable from 1407 to 1406 or lower avoids the
> error.  Any number 1407 or higher triggers the error.
> Thank you for any hints!
> Joe
> ```
> xquery version "3.1";
> declare function local:get-random-numbers($how-many as xs:integer,
> $generator as map(*)) {
>     if ($how-many ge 1) then
>         (
>             $generator?number,
>             local:get-random-numbers($how-many - 1, $generator?next())
>         )
>     else
>         ()
> };
> declare function local:get-random-numbers($how-many as xs:integer) {
>     local:get-random-numbers($how-many, random-number-generator())
> };
> let $n := 1407
> return
>     local:get-random-numbers($n) => count()
> ```

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