Hi all,

I'm building a budgeting system for home use, using XSLTForms and -- ready
for it? -- BaseX!

sum() has been behaving weird. I'm adding USD, which means only 2 decimals
of precision. But depending on the combination of elements I add, I'll get
a long double that's inaccurate. Sometimes it returns what I expect,
sometimes it doesn't, but either case is repeatable.

Take these 3 receipts:

1 --
<receipt uuid="694bf777-2d40-42ad-9809-97dfe6b04f40">
      <name>Frigid North</name>
    <name>Start Capacitor (for old rockwell saw/jointer motor)</name>

2 --
<receipt uuid="2eb74e82-3db5-4bd9-a591-8621c79f3fd6">
      <name>Home Depot</name>
    <name>Stainless Protractor</name>

3 --
<receipt uuid="1f1462e6-b37f-4daa-b293-29b9ec353627">
      <name>Title Wave</name>
    <name>Music of the Spheres</name>
    <name>Magic Mirror of M. C. Escher</name>
    <name>Daumier 120 Great Lithographs</name>

When I sum the <gross/> elements:
sum 1 & 2 = 16.369999999999997
sum 1 & 3 = 27.35
sum 2 & 3 = 30.72

What makes certain combinations return such crazy numbers?

I did find one other thread in the mailing list about this, it got an
answer but didn't really explain much. I have a schema for prices in the
XForm, should I be loading that somehow? The only workaround I have now is
like, "let $grosses:= for $gross in $receipts//gross return
xs:decimal($gross)" but I'm hoping there's a more straightforward way.

Not sure if this is implementation specific or if it's not defined or what.
If I should ask elsewhere, please let me know :-)

Be well,

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