Hi Jonathan,
we as a company have used Nubisware for several "front-facing" applications. They are not exactly ecommerce but full blown enterprise applications with complex UIs and/or based on APIs.

 * A rating service (with dedicated UI) based on contract ontologies;
 * a system for remote realtime monitoring and failure prediction in
   industrial settings with a websocket push based interface [1,2]
 * An API and viewer/simulator for IHE XDW based clinical workflow
   tracking integrated with the Camunda BPMN Engine
 * A Psychological Patient Record with web based frontend
 * A frontend plus service orchestrator for the daily management of a
   Coworking site.
 * ...

We are very happy of the results and our customers too (which is much more important). What our customers like the most, about XQuery/BaseX based solutions, is the very low footprint and impact on their infrastructures and deployments.

[1] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/global-solutions-%26-services_shortendistances-savecosts-customersatisfaction-activity-6678200998059683840-bedJ [2] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/global-solutions-%26-services_shortendistances-savecosts-customersatisfaction-activity-6673859515550715905-21GS

On 23/06/20 22:56, Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
On Tue, 2020-06-23 at 16:34 -0400, Joe Wicentowski wrote:
Hi all,

I'd welcome any and all contributions to my list of XQuery-powered

Not a major ecommerce site :) but...

Most Web pages on From Old Books _dot_ Org -
https://www.fromoldbooks.org/ - incorporate some content generated by
XQuery, and many of the pages are entirely generated at runtime by
XQuery, using BaseX.

There may still be some pages using qizx/open.

Please don't add this to your site, but, It's possible to add, ;show-
query=text/plain to the pages under /Search/ to see the XQuery itself.


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