We are glad to give you Version 9.4 of BaseX, our XML framework,
database system and XQuery 3.1 processor:


We have focused on rewriting and optimizing complex XQuery code and
speeding up your RESTXQ apps:

- DBA: support for millions of log entries
- LOGTRACE option: write trace output to logs or STDERR
- rest:init: Full or partial initialization of RESTXQ cache
- basexhttp: register job services

- result view: show number of results and result size
- Shift F4-F7: toggle search options (case, regeex, ..)
- Ctrl-Shift-B: jump to matching bracket

- single lock option for reading and updating queries
- Java bindings: annotation added for updating functions

- convenience functions: json:doc, csv:doc, html:doc
- element names: convert:encode-key, convert:decode-key
- jobs:eval: option added for writing log entries
- session module: only create new sessions if required

- boolean comparisons: flatten nested expressions
- boolean expressions: merge conjunctions
- comparisons: simplify operands with if expression
- database functions: always open at compile time
- databases: propagate to more expressions at compile time
- filters: inline context for single items
- filters: rewrite to simple maps
- FLWOR: inline where clauses into let clauses
- FLWOR: merge last with return clause, rewrite to simple map
- FLWOR: rewrite "return if ..." to "where ... return"
- fn:for-each, fn:filter: rewrite to FLWORs and filters
- if expression, EBV tests: simplify boolean tests
- lists, sets, logical expressions: flatten expressions
- lists: rewrite to union expressions
- logical expressions: apply more boolean algebra rules
- paths: remove redundant predicates
- predicates with name functions: rewrite to name tests
- predicates: merge expressions, discard redundant tests
- predicates: remove of superfluous and redundant tests
- set expressions: merge operands
- simple map: inline cast expressions
- simple maps: faster evaluation
- simple maps: merge operands
- simple maps: rewrite to paths, optimize for index access
- switch: rewrite to if expression
- types: skip redundant checks, promotions  and conversions

For a more comprehensive list of added and updated features, check out
our documentation (docs.basex.org) and check out the GitHub issues

Have fun,
Your BaseX Team

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