Hi Chandra,

We’d appreciate to see a little XML document that allows us to test your


chandra sekhar n <vcs...@gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 27. Aug. 2020, 07:38:

> Dear Basex team,
> We are facing an xquery performance issue. Please find the query in below
> and please suggest any clue to optimize query
>      let $subbrk :=
> (collection("867509_Voice_DECEMBER-19_Billed_1")/SUBCUSTBRK)
>      let $detailUsageTxn := $subbrk/DETAIL/TRANSACTION[@Usage = 'usage']
>       let $DistCallTypesAll := ($detailUsageTxn/SUB_SECTION/@Type)
>       let $DistCallTypes :=  ( for $r in $DistCallTypesAll   group by $ct
> :=  $r return $ct)
> *//Here taking nearly 3 minutes*
>         let $allmonths := distinct-values($subbrk/Month)
>        let $rowcnt := count($detailUsageTxn/SUB_SECTION)
>        let $months := $allmonths[position() le 10000]
>        let $opttype := 'NumVal'
>         let $durop := 'hh:mm:ss' return
>          (
>             if($DistCallTypes!=''
>           )
>           then(
>                 for $month in $months
>                     return
>                     <R>
>                            <GRPBY>{ $month }</GRPBY>{
>                             if($opttype = 'NumVal') then
>                                 for $ct in $DistCallTypes
>                                 let $ctCnt :=
> sum($detailUsageTxn/SUB_SECTION[data(@Type) = data($ct) and
> data(../../../Month) = $month]/@Calls)
> *//Here taking 4 to 5 minutes*
>                                  return element
>                                      {
> replace(concat('_',data($ct)),'(\.|\[|\]|\\|\||\-|\^|\$|\?|\*|\+|\{|\}|\(|\)|
> |&apos;)', '_') }
>                                       {xs:decimal($ctCnt)}
>                                      else ()
>                                 }
>                      </R>)
>             else()
>       )
> Regards,
> Chandrasekhar

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