Confirmed and fixed ෴ Check out the updated snapshot

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 12:37 PM <> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> considder the snapshot down below and as bijlage. This genereate
> different results with the latest snapshot.
> No problem with 943 and the previous snapshot( BaseX944-20200911.135109)
> ============================================
> declare %private function local:value1
>        ( $atomicItem          as element( )
>        )                      as item()*
>        {
>          $atomicItem/data()
>        }
> ;
> declare %private function local:value2
>        ( $atomicItem          as element( )
>        )                      as item()*
>        {
>          trace( $atomicItem/data(), "test: ")
>        }
> ;
> let $e := <E>test</E>
> return ( $e/data()
>         , $e => local:value1()
>         , $e => local:value2()
>         )
> ===========================================

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