Dear Paul,

Thanks for your observation, and thanks for reporting it to the
mailing list; indeed it’s the best place for all notifications and
feature requests.

You’ve encountered a bug that was seemingly introduced with BaseX 9.3,
and was the side effect of a premature index rewriting. The bug has
been fixed [1] and a new snapshot is available [2]. BaseX 9.4.4 will
be released later this month.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 10:06 PM Paul L. Merchant Jr.
<> wrote:
> Greetings everyone, I'm evaluating whether BaseX 9.4.3 might be suitable for 
> my projects and I think I've run into an XQuery optimizer bug that's easily 
> reproducible.  I've got a test database "test-db" with two identical 
> documents containing minimal xml:  "<doc title='a-document'/>".  The 
> documents are stored in separate directories:
> test-db
>   |- a/doc.xml
>   |- b/doc.xml
> The XQuery I'm using I believe should retrieve only the document in path a, 
> but I'm getting different results depending on whether I write the expression 
> in a single let statement or two separate statements:
> declare function local:show-paths($nodes as node()*) as node()* {
>   for $p in $nodes
>   return <path>{$p/base-uri()}</path>
> };
> let $docs_1 := collection('test-db/a')/doc[@title='a-document']
> let $col :=  collection('test-db/a')
> let $docs_2 := $col/doc[@title='a-document']
> return
>   <result>
>     <single-expr expr_docs="{count($docs_1)}"/>
>     <single-expr-paths>{local:show-paths($docs_1)}</single-expr-paths>
>     <split-expr collection_docs="{count($col)}" expr_docs="{count($docs_2)}"/>
>     <split-expr-paths>{local:show-paths($docs_2)}</split-expr-paths>
>   </result>
> This code produces this result:
> <result>
>   <single-expr expr_docs="1"/>
>   <single-expr-paths>
>     <path>/test-db/a/doc.xml</path>
>   </single-expr-paths>
>   <split-expr collection_docs="1" expr_docs="2"/>
>   <split-expr-paths>
>     <path>/test-db/a/doc.xml</path>
>     <path>/test-db/b/doc.xml</path>
>   </split-expr-paths>
> </result>
> I'd expect the expr_docs values for both single-expr and split-expr to be the 
> same.
> I'm happy to file this in the GitHub issue tracker, but as a newcomer to 
> BaseX I thought I should checkin with the list first.
> What are you thoughts and wishes?
> Thanks,
> -- Paul

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