Hi all -

Per the recent thread about installing, I was hoping to convince some of
you to share your experiences installing and running BaseX. Whether you use
Mac OS, Windows, a Linux, or something else: how are you installing and
running BaseX?

I'm asking as there could be some possible improvements to the wiki that
might help new users (or even less-new users!) get up and running.

Thanks in advance for your time and trouble! If I can hear about number of
approaches, I'm happy to attempt writing up some details for the wiki.

PS Here's mine:

Operating systems: I'm typically using BaseX on either a FreeBSD or a Void
Linux system (rarely on other Linuxes, and only once or twice on Windows).

Install process: my OS' don't have a pre-packaged download for BaseX, so I
do something like:
1. cd ~/bin
2. mkdir basex-src basex-data
3. fetch|wget https://files.basex.org/releases/BaseX.zip
4. unzip BaseX.zip
5. rm -rf basex/src basex/data
6. ln -s ~/bin/basex-src ~/bin/basex/src; ln -s ~/bin/basex-data
7. enjoy basex!

Upgrade process: something like
1. cd ~/bin
2. fetch|wget https://files.basex.org/releases/BaseX.zip
3. mv basex basex-old
4. unzip BaseX.zip
5. rm -rf basex/src basex/data
6. ln -s ~/bin/basex-src ~/bin/basex/src; ln -s ~/bin/basex-data

Usage note: I have a line in my shell RC file (~/.zshrc) that helps my
shell/command line know where to find the various basex executables:
`export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin/basex/bin"`

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