Am 07.01.2022 um 01:29 schrieb Hans-Juergen Rennau:

I face a problem with RESTXQ of a fairly general character, as it
seems to me.

When the XQuery functions of a RESTXQ application construct HTML
pages, I expect these pages to behave exactly as a static page with
the same content would behave. But sometimes this is not the case.

As an attachment I send an example. The "webapp" folder contains an
XQuery module with a RESTXQ function [2], and the "html" folder
contains an HTML page [3] which is identical to the page generated by
the RESTXQ function [4]. This page has been copied from [1], and it
demonstrates auto completion in an input field.

However, auto completion works only when calling the HTML file; it
does not work when calling the RESTXQ application.

In both cases, the HTML page references a JS file as well as a CSS
file, located in a sibling folder "static". An alert box as well as
the appearance of the page prove that JS and CSS are found and used in
both cases. And yet the behaviour is different ...


This problem appears to me important, as the trust in RESTXQ would be
damaged if the generated HTML "may or may not" behave as it should. On
the other hand, if the reason of the problem is understood and a
workaround is available, all would be well.

I have not tried your code but if JavaScript fails in one result
document but not in another then one reason could be that the JavaScript
is written for text/html documents (as which static .html or htm
documents are ususally served) while the code does not work right with
XHTML served as application/xml or application/xhtml+xml.

So I would first check whether your RESTXQ where the script doesn't work
is served as text/html or with an XML MIME type like the two ones I have
mentioned, in the latter case I would indeed expect script attempts like

  a = document.createElement("DIV")

to fail to achieve to create the right element as X(HT)ML is
case-sensitive and works with a namespace so you would rather need

 a = document.createElementNS("";, "div")

in an X(HT)ML served with an XML mime type context.

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