
I am trying to write a Java property file using v9.5.1 and no new Java code.
The code below runs in 9.7.3. Although it only uses 9.5 features in 9.5.1
it produces the error message

props:store·java.io.Writer·String cannot be called with (Writer, String).

I assume this is a 9.5.1 java binding bug?
Any workaround suggestions or details of what the problem is?

(:~  Using Basex 9.5.1
and assuming a file  "test.properties" in folder containing this module:)
import module namespace props = "java:java.util.Properties";
declare variable $source:=



props:store·java.io.Writer·String( Q{java:java.io.FileWriter}new($source),
"The saucer has landed")

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