On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 06:22:41PM +0000, Hans-Juergen Rennau scripsit:
>  Maybe this is a misunderstanding, Graydon: the ability to use
>  relative paths *as parameter value*, and to have it automatically
>  resolved against the current working directory, is certainly
>  essential. But the *result* should be independent of whether the
>  parameter was supplied as relative or absolute path. It is simply a
>  bug.Use the file:list() function if you want to get relative paths.

It's entirely possible I'm miscomprehending something.

In the 10.1 GUI, file:base-dir() gives a result.  Per
https://docs.basex.org/wiki/File_Module#file:list that result is the current
working directory.  It looks like that value is the last directory I
saved a file in from the GUI.

concat(file:base-dir(),'../xslt') => file:descendants() works.  But
of course that's an absolute path.

file:resolve-path('../xslt',file:base-dir()) => file:children() works.
That's what I'd think of as providing a relative path.

file:descendants('../xslt') does not work: 'Resource "../xslt" not
found' is no directory.

I wouldn't expect it to work, but that might be an error of expectation
rather than properly reflecting what should happen.

I think I'm misunderstanding what you mean by providing the parameter
value to file:children or file:descendant as a relative path.  Could you
provide an example of the bug?

-- Graydon

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