Hello --

So I've got a pattern where I want to:

1. perform some processing using proc:execute() on a directory tree of XML
files (easy)
2. load the result of the processing (a parallel structure tree of XML
files) into a new db
   (in principle, easy; db:create() does this)
3. extract information from the newly created db and write that to a file
4. use proc:execute() to run different processing on the file written in
step 3 (easy, I think)
5. load the result (thankfully a single file) and process it with a query
(easy, I can stuff that in a function)

Ideally, this winds up as something invoked from a single query file as a
sequence of functions because its eventual fate is to be part of an
automated test that would ideally be a "run this one thing, look at the
boolean result".

I hang up on step 2; so far as I can tell, there isn't a way to say "go
create a database and then make it usable to these other modules that are
guaranteed not to happen until db:create() has completed" but this seems
like such a common thing to want to do that I feel like I must be missing


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