While our StratML-enabled query service does not include geospatial referencing 
capabilities, such features would be nice to have -- to enable more explicit 
discovery of goals and objectives applicable to specific areas and 
ESRI developed a StratML prototype based on Geoportal Server a number of years 
ago but didn't maintain it.
If anyone would like to explore prospects for building geo-referencing 
capabilities into our query service, I'd be pleased to hear from them.
In the meantime, place names can be used in the full-text, goal/objective, and 
stakeholder query fields.  
For example, a "Germany" query of the Stakeholder element turns up 30 of the 
>5.6K files in the collection.
(A full-text query for "BaseX" turns up four hits.)
Owen Amburhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/owenambur/

    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 12:12:56 PM EDT, Christian Grün 
<christian.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Dear Muhammad,
The GML Module was dropped because it only had a limited numbers of users. 
Next, the JTS library we used only supports GML 2, whereas most application 
scenarios today require GML 3.
I'm sorry that at least for now you'll have to resort to BaseX 9. Feel free to 
contact us if you need to use the GML Module commercially.
Hope this helps,Christian

13519004 Muhammad Bintang Pananjung <13519...@std.stei.itb.ac.id> schrieb am 
Di., 25. Apr. 2023, 16:33:

Hi all,

Currently, i'm implementing spatial module on XML databases for my
final project. i wonder why was geo module is removed on version 10 or
above? i can't find any explanation about it in the documentation.

thank you


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