Hello --

I'm trying to regularize the formatting of some XSLT files by loading them
(via doc()) and writing them back out via file:write()

I know about the *indent* and *indent-attributes* serialization parameters,
and mostly they're doing what I want.

What I'd like is to preserve a one-line-per-entry format for a map in a
select attribute. For example, I'd like to keep

<xsl:variable as="map(xs:integer,xs:string)" name="hexNum" select="
      map {
        1: '0',
        2: '1',
        3: '2',
        4: '3',
        5: '4',
        6: '5',
        7: '6',
        8: '7',
        9: '8',
        10: '9',
        11: 'a',
        12: 'b',
        13: 'c',
        14: 'd',
        15: 'e',
        16: 'f'
      }" static="yes" />

instead of

<xsl:variable as="map(xs:integer,xs:string)"
                select="       map {         1: '0',         2: '1',
  3: '2',         4: '3',         5: '4',         6: '5',         7: '6',
      8: '7',         9: '8',         10: '9',         11: 'a',         12:
'b',         13: 'c',         14: 'd',         15: 'e',         16: 'f'

I don't think there's a way to do this with the serialization parameters,
but is there a way to do this?


Graydon Saunders  | graydon...@fastmail.com
Þæs oferéode, ðisses swá mæg.
-- Deor  ("That passed, so may this.")

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