This feels like an ideal use case for XSLT for-each-group—something that is 
challenging to implement in XQuery.



Eliot Kimber
Sr Staff Content Engineer
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From: BaseX-Talk <> on behalf of 
Graydon Saunders <>
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 7:43 AM
To: BaseX <>
Subject: [basex-talk] hof:until is gone?
[External Email]

Hello --

So I'm trying to do this:

import module namespace xcs = 
 at "same-words-same-order-script.xqm";
(: we don't need xc computationally but there are external variables in that 
namespace in scope :)
import module namespace xc = 
"<>" at 

declare function xc:dropTableLines($in as node()*,$toggle as xs:boolean) as 
node()* {
  switch (true())
    case empty($in) return ()
    case starts-with(head($in),':stab') return 
    case starts-with(head($in),':rtab') return 
    case $toggle return (<line/>,xc:dropTableLines(tail($in),$toggle))
    default return (head($in),xc:dropTableLines(tail($in),$toggle))

let $test as element() := <text>

return element {'text'} {

Only at scale the stack blows up and I get the "try tail recursion?" 
suggestion. I would have tried hof:until for that, since I have to pass the 
current state of "are we dropping or not dropping intervening content?", but it 
looks like it's been removed? And the available hof functions in 4 look like 
they're strictly positional which is actively unhelpful in this case. (At least 
with whatever brain cells I currently have.)

What's the appropriate pattern for "process a sequence, toggling an action on 
or off based on the last member of the sequence we looked at?"


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