Minutes of Meeting #1438
Monday, February 19, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm, with lots of bags
16 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1437 were accepted as 'the minutes are online'

the Treasurer was absent

the VP had 'nah' to say

the President had nothing fannish to report

JC announced that he brought lots of extra bags from Convolution 14 & cups
to give away, plus they'd also brought items to auction

Brad announced that the George Slusser Conference on F&SF will be April
26-29 at UCI & he will be a speaker there

Fred announced that March 9-11 is FogCon in Walnut Creek

Adrienne announced that Chris Garcia has a GoFundMe set up for medical

Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be this Friday, Feb
23 at the Dennie's on Bascom, near the Pruneyard in Campbell & announced
that there will be a 'Frozen' sing-a-long Thursday, Friday & Saturday at
the 3 Below - & he announced that a 2-day get-together called the Social
Fiction Conference will be at Crown College, UC Santa Cruz on Feb 23-24

John O announced that the Hubba Hubba Review Burlesque Spectacular will be
March 9 at the DNA Lounge & announced that Gallifrey 1's theme for next
year is Gallifrey 1's 30th year anniversary

Baycon is May 25-28 at the San Mateo Marriot & will have Tamora Pierce as
Writer GoH & Margaret Orgon-Kean as Artist GoH, check www.baycon.org

Gallifrey 1 was reviewed as really good by a lot of people

'Black Panther' was reviewed as probably the best Marvel movie to date by a
lot of people

JC reviewed Disneyland as undergoing renovations, but also celebrating the
Lunar New Year park-wide 'Mulan' style & Beth got lots of free birthday
desserts all weekend & that their flight home was an adventure when their
plane broke, but that Southwest was really on top of it

Jan reviewed that all but one elevator at the Doubletree broke during
PantheaCon, but it was otherwise a really good con

Adrienne reviewed 'Ferdinand' as actually very cute, Mo opined it was
beautiful and visually well done

Ken reviewed the Oscar shorts as all pretty well done

Beth reviewed the San Leandro Marina inn as it was a nice suite with good
room service & very nice & relaxing

there was an auction

we adjourned at 9:21

Rumor of the week = 'Marvel cookies are better than Girl Scout cookies'

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