Minutes of Meeting #1480
Monday, December 10, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm
18 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1479 were accepted as 'posted online & done already'

the Treasurer reported that we have money

the VP was not here

the President had nothing fannish to report

[evil] Kevin announced that 3Below Theatres is showing family-friendly
Santastic-the-sing-along this weekend & Shannon Guggenheim's 'Who's
Holiday' as a not-family-friendly show, for more info check =
https://3belowtheaters.com/ - and Lisa urged us to go

John O announced that Amazon Prime members have the opportunity to get
early tickets to see 'Aquaman' on Dec 15, so check that out

Bill commented that Sirius Satellite radio has a Hanukkah channel that has
a lot of country songs on it [https://www.siriusxm.com/radiohanukkahonline]
& then reviewed Turtledove's 'Through Darkest Europe' as interesting
alternate history

Lisa reviewed the latest episode of Dr Who as very satisfying & was a
history show again

Valerie reviewed 'Crimes of Grindewald' as she really likes the
world-building, but is not fond of some of the characters

[evil] Kevin reviewed all 12 books in the Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter
as he is very pleased with them and recommends them

Alex reviewed Disneyworld's new Pandora section as done really well & it's
worth seeing

Dave C reviewed Disneyworld as 'it's still Florida' & he kept hydrated.
The Pandora flight simulator was quite good, but tiring - with an hour & a
half wait for it - and this was when he got there at 10am

Vikas reviewed the astronomy talk at the Uproar Brewing Company as good &
the next one will be in January - for info check

we did auctions

we adjourned at 8:44

Rumor of the week was 'All boxed in'

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