Come enjoy Halloween shenanigans!
My friends and I are putting on the second annual Hogwarts Halloween party
at Coyote Grange Hall.   I'd love to see some BASFA folks there.
    All ages welcome, as always. No charge to attend.  Festivities start at
3pm (come earlier if you want to help set up ). Food, dancing, board games,
general mayhem :)
    Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends, your kids, your significant
    Potluck style, so bring something to share. Chocolate frogs, hot dogs,
baked potatoes with all the fixings... and plenty more.
    Coffee and candy will be on offer, as well as assorted sodas, juice,
tea, and probably spirits (beer, wine, and stronger stuff.
    Come in your House colours, your fave character cosplay, or just your
best costume.
    Indoor and outdoor space available for enjoyment. Parking on-site. If
there are transport needs, do reach out in advance and we can see what
might be arranged. (Coyote area is in South San Jose. Hall has room for
150+ people)
    Coyote Grange Hall,  8140 Monterey Rd, Coyote 95013 (South San Jose)

here is a link to it on Facebook:
Also able to rsvp on Meetup (although rsvp not necessary)
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