Seriously I don't know, but maybe to avoid the problem hitted
when you do, as unprivilieged user (U.P.):
/sbin/iptables -j <TAB>
I think it's a deep problem I don't remember having heard about :
the completion of commands which :
1) are in {,/usr}/sbin
2) but are usable "read-only" by an U.P.
It's sometimes usefull for a U.P. to use modprobe <TAB>
(Notice the $PATH and ifconfig in ubuntu for example)

That's why I think the current have() is not enough if the
current behavior is considered as a problem.
What about this kind of have() :
- return 0 if found
- return 1 if not found
- return 2 if we needs another $PATH than the user's original one
In this later case, we may use something like $(have -p $cmd) to get the
absolute path echoed and use it if needed.

Or a backward compatible solution :
- echo the absolute path of the command if found
- return 1 otherwise

my 2c


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 05:43:41PM +0200, Mark Rosenstand wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for not reporting this through the bug tracker, I'm a bit short on time
> but thought this is trivial enough to fix through a simple mail.
> The path to lsmod seems to be hardcoded in 1.0 and git, making
> modprobe -r completion bomb out on my system with a vanilla
> module-init-tools 3.9 (./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=)
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