Oh, I see. In Java 1.5 the RenderingHints constructor takes a Map<RenderingHints.Key, ?> arg, not just a Map. Is there a plan to move batik to Java 1.5 at some point?

By compiling in JDK 1.4 compat mode, I assume you mean using "javac -source 1.4"? That seems to take care of the above issue, but the DOM3 issue remain.

Sounds like I need to use JDK 1.4.  Or get the cvs svg12 branch.

Thomas DeWeese wrote:

Denis Bohm wrote:

I downloaded the Batik source code and am getting a lot of compile errors. For example, in StaticRenderer:

C:\xml-batik\sources\org\apache\batik\gvt\renderer\StaticRenderer.java:156: cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor RenderingHints(java.awt.RenderingHints)
location: class java.awt.RenderingHints

Looking at the 1.4.2 docs there isn't any constructor for RenderingHints that takes a RenderingHints parameter. I must be missing something obvious. Anyone see what it is?

   Yes, RenderingHints implements the 'Map' interface which the
RenderingHints class does take as a constructor arg.

BTW: I'm using Java 1.5 to build.

   This is the problem, among other smaller problems JDK 1.5 has a
built in DOM 3 Core org.w3.dom package, our trunk DOM implementation
does not currently implement DOM 3 (although Cameron has done this
in the svg12 branch).  Take Tonny's suggestion and compile in JDK 1.4
compat mode.

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