Hi John,

"John C. Turnbull" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/12/2008 04:51:01 

> I would like to use a custom Swing layout manager which enables 
> components to be positioned such that they may overlap parts of each
> other.  The idea is that the overlapped component will ?show 
> through? the component on top of it as if the top component was 
> transparent.  If each component is a JSVGCanvas, will this work?
> i.e. will the top SVG component appear as transparent? 

   Yes, but you need to set the Background color of the
canvas to a fully transparent color and notify swing that
the component may be partially transparent.

   canvas.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0));

> Do you foresee any problems with overlapping SVGs?

   No, people have done this before, keeping the
Canvas's aligned tends to be the biggest problem
people have.  It's pretty easy if you can simply
override 'setRenderingTransform' on the top canvas
to update the rendering transform on the lower

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