Hi Mark,

> I think you're missing the rhino jar from your classpath.

Apparently not. According to the original message:

>> My class path includes
>> batik-dom.jar, batik-swing.jar, batik-util.jar, batik-awt-util.jar, 
>> batik-bridge.jar, batik-css.jar,
>> batik-ext.jar, batik-gvt.jar, batik-parser.jar, batik-script.jar, 
>> batik-svg-dom.jar, batik-xml.jar, xml-apis-dom3.jar and js.jar

So all three (js.jar - Rhino, batik-script.jar and batik-bridge.jar)
seem to be as expected. Unless the file is actually not there! :-D

The Jar dependency graph [1], although slightly outdated, usually
helps in determining this sort of things. ;-)


[1] http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/install.html#dependencyGraph

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