Mermaid appears to be pushing the envelope of Batik's rendering code.


First, create an SVG using MermaidJS. For example:

   1. Start Firefox
   2. Visit
   3. Click View
   4. Right-click on the page (not diagram)
   5. Expand the DIV element in the developer tools
   6. Right-click the SVG element
   7. Click Copy >> Copy Outer HTML
   8. Paste the contents into /tmp/mermaid.svg (or see attached)

Next, render the SVG using Batik, such as the following on Linux:

   1. Download Batik 1.14 into /tmp
   2. Open terminal
   3. Run:
   mkdir temp
   cd temp
   tar xf /tmp/batik-bin-1.14.tar.gz
   java -jar batik-1.14/batik-rasterizer-1.14.jar mermaid.svg


Batik renders the image as per how the browser renders the image.


Some text and colours are missing. See Batik's mermaid.png versus Firefox's
firefox.png, attached.


Any ideas about how to fix Batik? (It appears rsvg-convert also cannot
render some Mermaid diagrams, so perhaps Mermaid is breaking spec?)

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