Time to train!

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From: Vicky Schneider-Gricar <mvschneid...@gmail.com>
Date: 14 December 2012 14:29
Subject: Elixir-UK GOBLET Trainers Workshop
To: Vicky Schneider-Gricar <vi...@ebi.ac.uk>

Dear Colleague

ELIXIR-UK and GOBLET under the auspices of BBSRC and TGAC would like
to invite you to the ELIXIR-UK/GOBLET Trainers workshop that will take
place at the Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in Norwich on the 25th-26th
March 2013.

The aims, structure and programme of the workshop can be found here:

As workshop participants you will only need to cover your own travel
expenses, BBSRC sponsorship will be funding the workshop, including
two nights’ accommodation and meals for participants!

The Organizing Committee has specifically expressed an interest to
invite you as a participant.  If you are able to come, please register
here as soon as possible:

Topics will include:

What is the 'training landscape' (UK, Europe, the globe).
Successful initiatives: learning from each other.
Sharing best practice (technologies, approaches, courses materials, etc.).
Trainers: their value, recognition and career development.
Collaborative training.

The workshop has a limited place for participants, and we will be
opening participation to all if there are any places available (as on
first come first serve basis). So please, make sure you register as
soon as possible.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the ELIXIR-UK/GOBLET Trainers
workshop 2013.

On behalf of the Organizing committee:

Vicky Schneider-Gricar (TGAC)

Teresa Attwood (GOBLET)

Dawn Field (NERC EOS)

Carole Goble (ICT Sector Manchester)

Chris Ponting (CGAT)

Best regards and please do not hesitate to contact me should you need
more information.


Helen Tunney

PA to Directorate

The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC)

Norwich Research Park


Norwich NR4 7UH

Tel: 01603 450809

Fax: 01603 450021

Email: helen.tun...@tgac.ac.uk
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