At 09:50 p -0500 11/11/2008, Aaron W. Hsu didst inscribe upon an 
electronic papyrus:

>On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 13:10:25 -0800
>"Lee Hinde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I have a project now that requires me to go on-site one day a week.
>>  When I get back, I duplicate my current web folder and then copy over
>>  the files from my remote work.
>>  When I open the project file, it refers to my now out-of-date files
>>  rather than my now current files.
>I have to say I would consider this a bug in BBEdit; if BBEdit
>professes to adhere to the "Mac" way of doing things, then this
>shouldn't happen. 
>>From my understanding of how Mac file "pointers" and the like should
>work, standard behavior for a program when using these pointers is to
>grab the file from its new location only if the old location does not
>have a newly placed file.  That is, referencing a file in /blah/x
>should only go to /blah_me/y (to which an old /blah/x was moved) if
>/blah/x does not exist.
>Someone feel free to correct my understanding of the issue.  Thus, in
>projects, I would expect BBEdit to follow the files if and only if
>these files were not "overwritten" by newer files in their old

Well, that is true. It sounds like Lee did it the correct way, which is:
1. Copy folder to elsewhere
2. Replace files in *original* folder (not the copy, regardless of its name)

I don't know why this would fail on an OS level, nevermind BBEdit.
It doesn't make sense.


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