On 21 mrt 2009, at 21:25, Doug McNutt wrote:

> So my question is. . .  Is there any way I can make use of BBEdit to
> post process the plain ASCII files produced by my Excel macros and
> create a version with the mixed ASCII and UTF16? An AppleScript would
> be an easy way to go and I care not a whit about speed. Can I tell
> BBEdit to change from U16 to ASCII and back as it writes a file?
> BBEdit uses U16 internally for everything. When it reads my fdf file
> does it convert 0066 ( an f ) to 0000 0066? or does it leave the 16
> bits alone by effectively ignoring the null character in the file?

I would split the different parts into different files (using BBEdit  
or some other tool), convert the parts that need to be in UTF-16, and  
use cat to glue the parts together again.

I suppose that using an older Acrobat that uses a sane file format is  
not an option?


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