On 16 Jun 2009, at 09:15, Carlton wrote:

> I don't suppose anyone has a filter for converting (say) CSV into an
> ASCII table do they?

Nice to see some home-brewed solutions, and not all in Perl :)!

Here's a short and simple script in newLISP:

#!/usr/bin/env newlisp
(set 'file (open ((main-args) 2) "read"))
(set 'column-widths (dup 0 80))
(while (read-line file)
        (push (set 'line (parse (current-line) ",")) content -1)
        (unless (empty? line)
          (set 'column-widths (map max (map length line) column-widths))))
(set 'format-string (join (map (fn (s) (string "%-" (inc s) "s"))  
(map (fn (l) (unless (empty? l) (println (format format-string l))))  

which turns this input:

Heading,Title,Value,Extremely Long Column,Notes


,,,,this is a note

into this output:

  Heading Title    Value Extremely Long Column Notes
1       12312312       1231241231231         12312
a       b        c     d                     e
f       g        c
                                              this is a note

The great thing about BBEdit's Unix filters is that you can apply them  
to just the selected text...


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