On Jun 19, 2009, at 1:06 PM, Tim Gray wrote:

> On Jun 19, 2:54 am, "G. T. Stresen-Reuter" <tedmaster...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> So, would a set of clippings for doing completion of Python  
>> functions/
>> methods be useful to you?
>> Also, the manual has a very complete reference on how to create
>> clippings.
> I think small clippings sets for each language would be nice.  I know
> for a long time I've visualized clippings as useful for only pasting
> in chunks of text like "#! /bin/sh -", but can be a lot more useful
> once you start adding insertion points, etc.  To be honest, seeing
> what some of the built in snippets that Textmate comes with opened my
> eyes a bit to ways I could work more efficiently.  I think beefing up
> the examples BBEdit came with would help a lot of people in terms of
> providing them more functionality and giving better examples on how to
> extend things themselves when the time comes.

I understand what you mean about having more robust and more capable  
clipping sets but I think I need a little more direction, personally,  
if you would like me to create one for you.

For example, the PHP clipping set includes a fairly complete class  
definition clipping but honestly, even though I created it, I've only  
used it once or twice (in the 4 or 5 years it's been in there).

Why is that? Is it possible that although it includes the kitchen sink  
that it's simply too much for most of my needs?

Simdude suggested having a clipping for C++: "This would be great to  
do something like type "sing" f5 and have a Singleton pattern come up  
waiting for the class name."

I tend to agree (although I'm not sure I understand exactly what he's  
saying). In PHP there is a fairly robust way to set up the Singleton  
pattern (that keeps people from circumventing the limitation on  
running a single instance) but I've only had to write a singleton  
function 3 or 4 times in the past coulpe of years.

I think the goal of clippings (and I may be wrong about this), is to  
minimize frequently REPEATED typing tasks.

A new version of the PHP clipping set will include sq and dq (single  
quote and double quote): insert a pair of quotes and drop the  
insertion point in between them. This is something I do ALL THE TIME.

Using a clipping for such a small amount of input may actually be more  
keystrokes than just typing single quote + single quote + (command +  
left arrow) but for me (on a Spanish keyboard on a MacBook Pro) I find  
that particular sequence of keystrokes to be awkward and fairly prone  
to error. Typing "sq" and Enter (or Tab) and have the insertion point  
be right where I need it just seems better to me, especially since it  
is something I do all the time.

Note that the existing PHP clipping set includes clippings for all the  
control structures (that I'm aware of). Yes, the clippings could be  
more refined, but I really need to know what people need in order to  
be able to refine them so please don't be shy...

I recently posted a jquery clipping set to this list for someone who  
requested it. As usual, I never heard back from that person, not even  
a "hey thanks! That was nice of you to invest the time in creating it  
and not even charging me for it even though you have a job, a wife, a  
house and two kids to pay for..."

In short, I'm happy to try and help but I really need clear  
instructions on what you are looking for (examples, please, I need  
examples) and some sort of recognition when my efforts are appreciated  
(don't we all?)

And Tim, none of this is directed at you in particular. Your  
contributions, ideas, and thoughts are all very much appreciated!


Ted Stresen-Reuter

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