On 2009-09-30 at 12:10 PM, rsfre...@verizon.net (Richard S. 
French) wrote:

>Questions for others using BBedit and transferring files to a 
>unix server.
>What line endings do you use for the files that you edit locally on
>your machine?

In Mac OS X, the underlying system is UNIX, and I keep most of 
the files I edit with BBEdit in UNIX (LF) line endings. The 
exceptions are primarily due to some applications -- Excel and 
Filemaker most prominently in my workflow -- that impose System 
9 Mac line endings when they export or Save As... to "text" 
files. Newer versions of both apps have gotten better at sensing 
line endings correctly when importing, but I am still 
occasionally surprised by squirrelly behavior until I realize 
what's happening...

Of course, BBEdit happily opens files correctly no matter what 
the line endings are, unlike many other apps. Thus it is 
sometimes necessary to convert line endings one way or the other 
when flinging files around between apps. If it's an individual 
file, I use BBEdit's handy features. For batches of files, and 
files manipulated programmatically, I use a utility I wrote in 
Perl that converts any line ending to any other as I specify.

>Do you keep all files as native Mac line endings (CR)? Or unix (LF) or
>windows (CR/LF)?

UNIX unless in process with as above. CR is only "native Mac" on 
System 9 and earlier.

>Do you change the line endings before you transfer to Unix or do you
>change them only on the Unix server?

Before, if they aren't already LFs.

>Is there a way to keep a file locally with Mac line endings and use the
>FTP browser to change it to Unix when transferring to Unix?

Why would you want to do this? If life is simple, i.e., your 
work flows between BBEdit and your UNIX server, then keep all 
files in UNIX format. If you're forced to work with apps that 
still insist on System 9 Mac line endings, BBEdit's tools might 
suffice; otherwise you'll need to get or write a batch 
converter. I believe most FTP apps, including BBEdit's built-in, 
convert "text" files to the destinations's format for you.

>Thanks, Richard.

    - Bruce


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