Am 31.03.2010 um 02:32 schrieb farley2:

> Hoping someone here can help solve an issue I have been struggling
> with. The code looks similar to that below.  However all pages (over
> 600) are not as clean as this, meaning DIVs could be on the same line
> or there could be 1 or 2 line breaks separating them.
> < !-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content-right" -- >
> < div id="container" >
>    < div class="column1" >
>         Content for column 1
>    < /div >
>    < div class="column2" >
>         Content for column 2
>    < /div >
> < /div >
> < !-- InstanceEndEditable -- >
> The goal is to find the < div id="container" > and delete this
> container along with the div inside without effecting the content
> within each div.

If I understand this right you basically want to remove all divs inside the 
comment. You could

(?s)< !-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content-right" -- >(.*?)(< div.+?>|< 
/div>)(.*?)< !-- InstanceEndEditable -- >
and replace with:
< !-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content-right" -- >\1\3< !-- 
InstanceEndEditable -- >

This will remove a single div tag a time meaning you have to perform this 
search over and over until it returns zero matches. Not very elegant but it 
should work.

(I'm sure you aware of this but just for the record: I would have backups 
before unleashing this crude procedure on 600+ files)


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