Roland and Others,

Thanks for taking a look at this for me.  Unfortunately, the html I am trying 
to work with was generated, not something I wrote.
I am aware of the many coding errors and problems, yet the reason I was using 
BBEdit was so that I could review the code and write 
something that would parse out elements of the page and do something useful 
with them (in perl).  

In the past BBEdit let me put a document like this (malformed) into a format I 
could read and work with.  
Presently, it just runs off the side of the page forcing lots of horizontal 

Maybe the developers at BareBones were "helping" us write better code by 
forcing the code to be correct in order for it to be properly
formatted (perl-tidy works like this, it barfs on syntax errors and that 
actually helps debugging).  It would be nice however, if this change
was documented (it doesn't work the same as it did in 8.7.2) and even better 
would be a "sloppy" mode that worked as it did in the past
so that we could work on broken documents.


On May 6, 2010, at 2:21 AM, Roland Küffner wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> I just had a quick look at your file. I corrected the syntax of your single 
> tags: <br /> instead of <br> and <img ... /> instead of <img ...>. Each 
> correction returned the formating function one step back in the "right 
> direction". So, BBEdit obviously doesn't like misspelled elements (Syntax 
> checking did also refuse to cooperate). Im not sure if this is an intended 
> behavior and I'm also not sure if BBEdit changed on this from 8.7.2 to 9.5 
> but it might explain your findings.
> <wiseass-solution>Write proper code</wiseass-solution>
> ;-)
> Regards,
> Roland

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