On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 01:51:46PM -0700, Ptarmigan wrote:
> hi
> Does anyone know how to get BBEdit to import a web project's folder
> contents to idisk using in-built CVS ?
> BBEdit CVS works fine w my local repository. I have set the CVSROOT
> variable locally. I'm not sure that initial set up can be done in
> BBEdit so I followed instructions and did it in Terminal.
> From a bit of googling, it looks like one has to override the locally
> set CVSROOT using the -d option. I haven't been able to import to
> idisk using the command line or BBEdit.
> I would welcome some pointers.

I don't use iDisk but do have a project under CVS on a remote host that
works with BBEdit.

I have CVS_SSH set in my tcsh to CVS_RSH=ssh

This checks out a copy. Once that is done BBEdit doesn't have any
problems using it.

cvs -d :ext:remote.host.here.com:/home/dkelly/project_cvs_root checkout project 

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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