On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 09:34:56AM -0800, Steve deRosier wrote:
> My #1 reason to use Git is the fact that the repo is in your local
> workspace.  Every other system you have to be connected to the network
> in order to do simple things like reading the commit logs, diffing
> versions, etc.

Wrong. Neither CVS nor SVN work that way. The repository can be local or
remote. Locally one can access the repository files directly or
indirectly through a "server" app. Once you have defined the repository
location (and method) for a project that information sticks in the
project. One can freely jump between projects which use different

One of the biggest mistakes made in Microsoft environments is to put the
repository on a shared filesystem with multiple users accessing via
direct file methods. With possibly different apps simultaneously
modifying the repository one is asking for trouble, and will get it.

MacOS X comes with SVN preinstalled. Or maybe its in Xcode, don't know
where it comes from. Also comes with ssh. Its a minor hassle to set up
ssh for users but once done svn has no trouble using ssh for remote

Forks are clumsy in SVN, but not all that difficult. You have to arrange
folders for each branch of the fork.

I still use cvs on some projects simply because the project has always
been in cvs and has no pressing reason to change.

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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